17⁰⁰ Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga often has a reputation for being ‘strenuous and sporty’. In this session, you will learn how to adapt the practice to you and your life and get the best out of it so that you can take it into your life with a lot of joy and motivation.

The class is open to all people and levels of yoga experience. We will start (almost) every session with a meditation exercise to help us focus on ourselves and our breath and to strengthen our concentration. We will then move through a few asanas (yoga poses), sticking largely to the traditional Ashtanga Primary Series and learning to perform and learn the asanas according to our own needs.

The aim is not to learn difficult and “insta-suitable” asanas, but rather to get to know yoga as a holistic system and to bring it into our lives as an enrichment.

Nevertheless, depending on the wishes of the group, we will occasionally venture into more complex asanas such as Sirsasana (headstand) or Urdhva Danurasana (bridge). Alina is happy to support this with hands-on assists on request and works with consensus cards to create the safest possible framework. The session will always end with a final relaxation & savasana.

Please register in advance via SMS, Signal, email or Instagram.

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May 20 2024


17:00 - 18:30


Choose your Prize


Kleine Möhrengasse 6-8, 1020 Wien
Alina M.


Alina M.

For Alina (500h Yoga Alliance certified), accessibility in the sessions is important, as well as constant reflection on her own position. Her aim is to pass on traditional yoga holistically and authentically, to live it herself and at the same time to teach empathetically, undogmatically and with a lot of fun.