Basis of Operation

As a space that enables the facilitation of various practices and in respect of a patriarchal, capitalist, heteronormative, sexist and racist society we want to be very clear about the following principles:

Focus on the sharing of knowledge

The sharing of knowledge is the center of our decisions and practice. It is the primary objective and basis of operation of the studio.

Exercise in giving & Free Price Policy

The space is provided by the Yogaji academy asking for the coverage of running costs and freely chosen amount of rent. We organize our practice around this concept of giving, working with the meaning of money as an exchange of values and questioning our socialization processes as well as the shame of free, monetary exchange.

In many places a paper decides how you value the presence and work of others. Here you are encouraged to think about how much money you give for everyday objects. How much you can give for this space and the teacher? Take your time and listen to your own reaction to your giving.

Full financial transparency

Participants decide for themselves how much they can pay for the classes. Similarly, trainers and external users decide at their own discretion how much they can give for the use of the room.

Recommended prices are explicitly not(!) announced on the spot. Monthly revenue and annual budget are published online including all expenses.


No smoking, no drugs or alcohol, no sexual acts, no shoes, no sleepovers.

Regarding sexual activities

We do not welcome activity that can be defined as sexual no matter if you see it as intuitive, spiritual or else. We encourage you to use another space that enable such a practice.

Regarding substance induced trance states

We encourage the exploration of the inner worlds through conscious introspection. We believe that this requires a clarity of mind and therefore reject practices that put the body into a substance-induced trance. Courses/workshops/etc. that make the ingestion of a substance the basis of self-exploration are asked to use a different space for such practice.

Regarding tantra

It is a middle age philosophy based on realizing the relation of the human with the cosmos and within themself. If you do see it as a sexual practice this is not welcome in our studio.