Rebekka unterrichtet Zeitgenössischen Tanz

19⁰⁰ Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance deals with the undiscovered potential of our bodies – you will be surprised how many movement possibilities you have that are rarely used in everyday life.

We will use the floor as a “dance partner”, improvise with movement and question our concept of “aesthetic” bodies and movements. In short choreographies, you will be able to let loose creatively and fill the given movements with your own input.

This class is divided into improvisation phases and phases where movement sequences are learned and danced. In the beginning, we arrive in space and in the body – moving through all the joints. Stretching and strengthening exercises will also occur.

Then we will learn short sequences in which clear movements are given. We will also practice individual movements, for example ways of moving through space.

Improvisations will be incorporated again and again – imaginary images will make you dance.

At the end of the class we will learn a short choreography. The movements I teach you for this should be seen as inspiration for what you want to make of it yourself.


May 13 2024


19:00 - 20:30


Choose Your Prize


Kleine Möhrengasse 6-8, 1020 Wien